Whats B.C.M.? (The BCM Story)

BCM originally started as an unofficial support club back in high school and BCM stood for Boy's Club Mafia at the time. There were gatherings at what we called "BCM park" (Story Park) where we had our ceramonial initiations, meetings or just plain hangin out. After most of the members graduated, they wanted to change what it stood for. So we decided just to call it bcm. The meetings turned into gatherings to play a game called "wally ball" (indoor vollyball) and some stopped attending during this time. Then BCM had its name changed yet again. BCM was then called BCM Productions and some of the members used that name for deejaying parties. As if that wasn't enough, BCM has once again changed its name. Now it stands for Beat Boxing Cut Muffins. Today BCM has an active role in deejaying dances, parties, etc. Alot of the original members still meet up and chill so I'd say we're still kickin'.

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